Term Dates

The law requires that once a child is on the school’s register, they should be sent to school every day that it is open.

Recent changes in legislation now mean that children cannot be granted holidays in term time unless this is due to exceptional circumstances. If leave from school is unavoidable then an Absence Request Form should be filled in. In considering requests for holidays the headteacher will consider current attendance, attainment, year group, time of year and circumstance.

The school year for pupils is 190 school days

Staff training days will take place outside of the term dates given above i.e. when the children are on holiday or after school.

Term Dates 2024-2025

Autumn Term 2024Wednesday 4 SeptemberTuesday 20 December
Autumn Half Term Holiday 2024Monday 28 OctoberFriday 1 November
Spring Term 2025Tuesday 7 JanuaryFriday 4 April
Spring Half Term Holiday 2025Monday 17 FebruaryFriday 21 February
Summer Term 2025Tuesday 22 AprilFriday 18 July
Summer Half Term Holiday 2025Monday 26 MayFriday 30 May

Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May