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Welcome to Victoria Academy’s Wellbeing page. Here you will find a wide range of sources of information, advice and support for a number of issues you may be facing. This includes links to support for children, young people AND parents/carers. The below list is not exhaustive and if you require any further support with any areas not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In addition to the avenues of support detailed below, at Victoria Academy we adopt a ‘whole-school approach’ to wellbeing. Part of this is our ‘universal provision’ which means that every student receives, or can access, the following to promote their emotional wellbeing and mental health and to help prevent any difficulties they may be experiencing from escalating;
Cost of Living Crisis – If you require support we can signpost families to Barrow Foodbank. Please speak to a member of staff if this is needed. This will be strictly confidential.
Thriving includes children, young people and their families whose need is support to maintain their mental health and wellbeing through prevention and promotion strategies. To cope with the ‘ups and downs’ of life, where there is no need for individual advice or support.
NSPCC – online safety advice and guides for families. Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
Kidsafe – we offer Kidsafe sessions for all children as part of their PSHE curriculum. For more information about the Kidsafe programme, please contact Mrs Wright, our Kidsafe practitioner.
NSPCC – parenting tips for all stages of your child’s life, as well as advice on how to deal with difficult situations. Support for parents | NSPCC
NSPCC – growing independence in the home. Keeping children safe in the home | NSPCC
Sollihull – access to a range of online courses, for example children’s mental health & wellbeing, their developing brain and children with additional needs. Use the code WORDSWORTH. Solihull Approach | inourplace | Understanding your child
LGBTQ+ Glossary LGBTQ+ Glossary (
NSPCC – advice and information for parents and carers about how to talk to their child about sex, sexuality and relationships. How to Talk to Children About Sex & Safety | NSPCC | NSPCC
On this page you will find information and advice about sexuality, sex, relationships, dating, coming out, bullying and discrimination. Sexuality | Childline
Childline – take your mind off things with games, use our tools to find ways to cope or get creative and let your feelings out. Toolbox | Childline
Signposting to sources of information, advice and support in the community and self-support, for mild, temporary difficulties or fluctuating, ongoing, more concerning difficulties.
BBC Bitesize – Information, support, tips and advice to help with bullying, mental health and wellbeing, body image, staying safe and more. Support – BBC Bitesize
Childline – tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration. Info and advice | Childline
Nip in the Bud – short, evidence-based films and factsheets about child mental health conditions, neurodivergent conditions and wellbeing Films for Parents / Carers | Nip in the Bud
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people; whether it’s mental health, money, homelessness, finding a job, coping with a break-up or concerns around substance misuse. They offer online support, a confidential helpline and a counselling service. Tel: 0808 808 4994 The Mix – Essential support for under 25s
If you are concerned that your child may display signs of ADHD, please contact our school SENDCO, Mrs Goulding
If you have concerns about your child’s mental health and wellbeing, please call into school to speak to our Senior Mental Health Lead, Mrs Goulding.
Wellbeing Helpline and Texting Service – a freephone, out of hours service for people requiring emotional support in relation to their own mental health or that of someone they know. Call 0800 915 4640 or text Hello to 07860 022 846. 365 days a year, Monday to Friday 7pm-11pm and Saturday and Sunday 12pm-12am, text service from 10am during the week. Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust | Wellbeing Helpline and Texting Service (
Young Minds – Information, support and advice for young people, and their parents and carers, who are worried about their mental health. YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
E-School Nurse – Video clinics available for professionals, parents and carers in Cumbria all day Tuesday and Thursdays. To book an appointment telephone: 01228 603973. Visit the webpage for links to further support. E-School Nurse Professional Poster (
Advice on Gaming and Gambling – providing parents with knowledge and resources Parent Hub | Parents.Ygam
FamilyLine – a team of trained volunteers offering support via telephone, text, web chat and email. Parenting questions or help with guidance around more complex family issues. Longer-term support through regular sessions with Befrienders and Counsellors. Family Line Information Leaflet (
Get Self Help – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy self-help and therapy resources including worksheets, info sheets & videos. –
SAFA self-care toolbox – The SAFA Self-Care Toolbox is a community resource to support mental health and wellbeing. Includes resources on anxiety & low mood and more. ToolBox – Self Care Tools (
For teenagers and their parents/carers…the ‘one-stop shop’ for all you need to know about sleep Home – Teen Sleep Hub
Teen Sleep Hub – You and Your Sleep Guide
Want to to know more about sleep? : National Sleep Helpline
National Sleep Helpline Facts Parent Flyer
National Sleep Helpline Support Parent Flyer
Frank – information, advice and support about drugs. Call 0300 1236600, text 82111. Honest information about drugs | FRANK (
NSPCC – information and advice to help you keep children safe and aware of the risks. Talking about drugs and alcohol | NSPCC
More focussed, individual or group work and support.
Health and Wellbeing Coaches (HAWC’s) – to help improve the health and wellbeing of anyone over the age of 16. Health and Wellbeing Team – Hawcs and Officers | Cumbria County Council
Samaritans – a safe place to talk, any time, about whatever is getting to you. Call 116 123. Talk to us on the Phone | Samaritans
First Step South Cumbria provides free, talking therapies to adults (18+) in South Cumbria. First Step South Cumbria :: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (
Autus Cumbria – supports autistic children and adults by offering social opportunities, support, training and advocacy. Home | Autus (
Cumbria Autism Family Support – Family Support Workers will work with families of children under the age of 18 who have a diagnosis of Autism. The Family Support Workers will provide information and advice by telephone or email, and when necessary, will visit parent/carers of children. Cumbria Autism Family Support Project
Brathay – runs community support programmes for children, young people, and families. The programmes are delivered by a team of qualified and experienced youth workers, family support workers, mental health practitioners, teachers, and counsellors. Brathay in Cumbria and North West – Brathay Trust
Early help offer Early Help Guide for Parents | Cumbria’s Family Information Directory
Family Action – 0-19 Child & Family Support Services – Info & advice sessions, signposting, peer support, 1:1 support & coaching. 0-19 Child and Family Support Service – Family Action (
Free school meals and clothing vouchers – Apply for free school meals and clothing vouchers | Cumbria County Council
Focus Family Team – signposting, advice and support for a range of issues, for example employment, welfare benefits and food hubs. Information leaflet
Barnardo’s Moving Mindsets – Early Intervention Support for Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education settings. Moving Mindsets – Morecambe Bay Mental Health Support Teams | Barnardo’s (
Childline – you can contact Childline about anything, whatever your worry. Call (0800 1111), chat online or email Get Support | Childline. Here is a video of what happens when you contact Childline
Kooth – Free online counselling, support and emotional wellbeing service, chat and forums – it’s safe and anonymous. Home – Kooth
Women’s Community Matters can provide support for women in our local area.
Young Lives – is a Specialist Consultancy that works in partnership with schools and parents to provide flexible and bespoke support to young people on a wide range of health matters. Young Lives (
Young Carers – young people, 5-18 years old, who care for someone at home due to their illness, frailty, physical or mental health problems. Young Carers – Furness Carers, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria
Furness Carers – free and confidential information and support to Carers of all ages on all issues related to the caring role. Free Information & Support for Carers – Furness Carers, Barrow-in-Furness
The New Lives Project supports women and their families who are or have experienced domestic violence and abuse. Women’s Community Matters » New Lives Project
Victim Support work closely with our school and can provide 1 to 1 support for children who are living in families struggling with domestic violence.
BEAT – Telephone & online support services including one-to-one and group chat for anyone experiencing, or caring for someone, with an eating disorder. Get information and support – Beat (
Multicultural Cumbria – has been set up to empower minority groups and the wider community. They aim to improve communication on a grassroots level; building confidence, self-esteem, social opportunities and community cohesion. Home – Multicultural Cumbria
Information and support relating to Obsessive Compulsive Disorders’ in children, young people and adults. OCD-UK | A national OCD charity, run by, and for people with lived experience of OCD (
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, A guide for Young People
Bluebell – We provide support for children and young people up to the age of 18 who are grieving through the death, or anticipated death, of someone important to them. Support For Grieving Families – The Bluebell Foundation
Cancer Care – Re-Fresh Peer Support Group – the activities are open to anyone aged 11-17yrs who has been affected by cancer, bereavement, or any life-limiting illnesses.
Child Bereavement UK Understanding grieving teenagers | Child Bereavement UK
Alice’s Escapes – offers complimentary holidays for families with seriously-ill children, along with breaks for those who have lost their child. Home (
Good Grief Trust – information, helplines, advice for anyone who is bereaved. Home – The Good Grief Trust
Winston’s Wish – provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and their families after the death of a parent, sibling or important person. Includes information and resources along with expert advice for those bereaved by suicide, homicide or serious illness and supporting bereaved children with SEND. Freephone helpline: 08088 020 021. Bereavement support for children and families | Winston’s Wish (
Furness LGBTQ+ youth group brings together people to celebrate diversity and give young people a voice in our community. Furness LGBTQ+ support (
Overlapping needs requiring greater input. There may be concerns around low-level risk-taking behaviours and safety.
Children’s Services – contact details for Barrow area | Cumbria County Council
Special Guardianship Support – information, guidance and support. Special Guardians (
My Time – A Tier 2 CAMHS service offering support for children and young people experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues by providing early targeted interventions, usually around 6-8 sessions. The service also provides advice & support to parents/carers. MyTime Cumbria | Barnardo’s (
Turning the spotlight – a free, confidential, non-judgemental service supporting people having problems in their relationship, leading to arguments, an unhealthy relationship, and abuse. Working with victims and perpetrators of abuse. Turning the Spotlight – Victim Support
Recovery Steps – free, confidential support from staff and volunteers with lived experiences of drug and alcohol use. Also offers support to friends, carers and family members. Recovery Steps Cumbria – Humankind (
Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need. Secondly, we provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction Rehab 4 Addiction
Support for whom there are greater concerns around their safety and risk taking behaviours.
CAMHS – Specialist Tier 3 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a service for children, young people and families with significant, severe, complex or persistent emotional, mental health, psychological and/or relationship difficulties. Children and Young People’s Psychological Services :: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (
SAFA – Self-harm Awareness For All – Counselling & support for young people aged 11 and over who engage in self-harm. Safa – Self Harm Awareness For All (
Every Life Matters – Online support for those affected by suicide and self-harm. Every Life Matters – Suicide Safer Cumbria (
HopeLine UK – For children & young people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide & for anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide. Call: 0800 068 4141. Text: 07860039967. HOPELINEUK – Papyrus UK | Suicide Prevention Charity (
PAPYRUS – Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. Online info, advice and resources. Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (
Every Life Matters – Online support for those affected by suicide and self-harm. Every Life Matters – Suicide Safer Cumbria (
CADAS – Free and confidential alcohol and drug advice and support for under 18’s. Young People – CADAS
Birchall – Offer support to anyone aged 4 and above affected by rape, sexual abuse or sexualised violence in Cumbria and Lancashire. Home – The Birchall Trust
Victoria Academy is part of Furness Education Trust, an exempt charity.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2019/2020 Victoria Academy