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Our curriculum is designed to be vibrant, interesting and fun. We believe in educating children for life, developing key skills and knowledge that will equip them to be successful adults, ready for the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that life will bring.
We place equal importance on all the National Curriculum subjects and offer an ambitious curriculum which allows children to learn subject-specific knowledge, as well as gaining the vital disciplinary knowledge of how each subject works. Our curriculum has been carefully designed to be cyclical, so that knowledge is revisited regularly, and each time is covered with greater complexity so that children are constantly building on their previous foundations.
We believe that the development of children’s subject-specific vocabulary is key to their understanding and consequently, this is carefully planned into every unit of work. Different curriculum areas are purposefully linked to encourage and develop a greater sense of understanding and meaning for the children.
Our intention is for children to love learning, but also to remember the key knowledge they have learnt and transfer it to their long-term memories. With this in mind, we plan engaging and relevant lessons, that incorporate a range of outdoor learning, practical activities, technology, trips and visitors wherever possible.
At Victoria Academy we are committed to promoting equality of opportunity, eliminating discrimination and harassment, valuing diversity and promoting positive relationships. We provide an inclusive education and curriculum which enables all students to develop their full potential meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Needs Educational Needs and Disability Regulations of 2014.
For more information about our content curriculum please visit our Subjects page or contact school for more detail.
Victoria Academy is part of Furness Education Trust, an exempt charity.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2019/2020 Victoria Academy