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– Informally so that we can see how well they are learning during each lesson and Teachers can adapt their teaching, reinforce learning points or challenge children to extend learning
– Formatively by carrying out specific tests and marking against key learning objectives
– Summatively to provide an attainment grade against Age Related Expectations set by the Government
Teachers provide Attainment and Progress Reports to parents/carers each term and provide verbal or written reports to accompany and explain these. It is very important that we work in partnership to ensure every child achieves their absolute best.
Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) take place in the Summer Term of Year 6. The Government want to check how well children are progressing through the education system and so every child in the country sits statutory tests at key points in their education. Tests are taken in Reading, Grammar Punctuation & Spelling Maths. Teacher assessments are reported at a national level in Writing and Science.
It is very important that Yr6 children are not absent from school during the national tests which usually take place around May.
2024 results below:
Pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths | 73% National average – 61% |
Pupils meeting expected standard in reading | 82% National average – 74% |
Pupils meeting expected standard in maths | 84% National average – 73% |
Pupils meeting expected standard in writing | 82% National average – 72% |
Pupils meeting expected standard in grammar & spelling | 89% National average – 72% |
Pupils’ average score in the Reading test | 107 (scaled score) |
Pupils’ average score in the Maths test | 105 (scaled score) |
To view the DfE page for Victoria Academy, including performance tables, click here
Victoria Academy is part of Furness Education Trust, an exempt charity.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2019/2020 Victoria Academy