Admissions and How to Apply

Children can start at Victoria Academy in Year 3 at the age of 7. 

For junior applications you will receive a County Application Leaflet re: Transfer from Infant to Junior School. To apply for a school place you must complete the online application form or the paper equivalent (SA2 Transfer to Junior School.) This allows parents to state their preference of school for their child and should be completed by the deadline date (15th January). Parents will be informed of the outcome in April.

We have places for 62 pupils in each year group in a two form entry intake. 

See our Policies and Financial Information page for our School’s Admission Policy.

There will be an induction programme for new children during the Summer Term before starting in the September. Children will be invited into school to spend two mornings where they will meet other children in their class and meet their new Class Teacher and Support Staff. There will also be an Open Evening for parents where all key information for starting school will be shared.

In Year Applications

In the first instance, we recommend parents contact our school by phone at 01229 870812, to check for available spaces in the year group required.

In line with the Schools Admissions Code 2014, Victoria Academy, on receipt of an in-year application, will notify the LA of both the application, and its outcome, to allow the LA to keep up to date figures on the availability of places in the area.  Victoria Academy will also inform parents of their legal right to appeal against applications that have been unsuccessful.

Victoria Academy will participate in Cumbria County Council’s in-year Fair Access Protocol.


Timetable for admissions procedures

SeptemberCounty information packs are sent out to parents
OctoberInfant Transition Days and Open Afternoon. Personal tours of the school.
AprilNotification from the Local Authority of allocation of places, contact made by school
JuneOpen evening for new parents
Transition Days for pupils
JulyNew children spend time at Victoria Academy in their new classroom.
SeptemberYour child will start school.